- wriggelen
- трясти; качать; грести кормовым веслом
* * *гл.общ. грести кормовым веслом, трясти, качать
Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
wriggle — wrigglingly, adv. /rig euhl/, v., wriggled, wriggling, n. v.i. 1. to twist to and fro; writhe; squirm. 2. to move along by twisting and turning the body, as a worm or snake. 3. to make one s way by shifts or expedients (often fol. by out): to… … Universalium
wriggle — wrig•gle [[t]ˈrɪg əl[/t]] v. gled, gling, n. 1) to twist to and fro; writhe; squirm 2) to move along by twisting and turning the body, as a worm or snake 3) to make one s way by shifts or expedients (often fol. by out): to wriggle out of a… … From formal English to slang
wriggle — verb 1》 twist and turn with quick writhing movements. ↘move with wriggling movements. 2》 (wriggle out of) avoid by devious means. noun a wriggling movement. Derivatives wriggler noun wriggly adjective Origin C15: from Mid. Low Ger. wriggelen … English new terms dictionary
wriggle — [c]/ˈrɪgəl/ (say riguhl) verb (wriggled, wriggling) –verb (i) 1. to twist to and fro, writhe, or squirm. 2. to move along by twisting and turning the body, as a worm or snake. 3. to make one s way by shifts or expedients: to wriggle out of a… …
wriggle — ► VERB 1) twist and turn with quick writhing movements. 2) (wriggle out of) avoid by devious means. ► NOUN ▪ a wriggling movement. DERIVATIVES wriggler noun wriggly adjective … English terms dictionary
wriggler — wriggle ► VERB 1) twist and turn with quick writhing movements. 2) (wriggle out of) avoid by devious means. ► NOUN ▪ a wriggling movement. DERIVATIVES wriggler noun wriggly adjective … English terms dictionary
wriggly — wriggle ► VERB 1) twist and turn with quick writhing movements. 2) (wriggle out of) avoid by devious means. ► NOUN ▪ a wriggling movement. DERIVATIVES wriggler noun wriggly adjective … English terms dictionary
wriggle — v. & n. v. 1 intr. (of a worm etc.) twist or turn its body with short writhing movements. 2 intr. (of a person or animal) make wriggling motions. 3 tr. & intr. (foll. by along etc.) move or go in this way (wriggled into the corner; wriggled his… … Useful english dictionary
wrig|gle — «RIHG uhl», verb, gled, gling, noun. –v.i. 1. to twist and turn; squirm; wiggle: »Children wriggle when they are restless. 2. to move by twisting and turning: »A snake wriggled across the road. 3. Figurative. to make one s way by shifts and… … Useful english dictionary